first lady's bio

Latasha was born June 17th, in Natchitoches, Louisiana to Dianna Guy and Barry Clayton.  She is the oldest of her siblings.  Her college education began when she earned a full music scholarship playing Bach: Cello suite 1 in G Prelude to Northwestern State University.  She later transferred her college hours to Southern University, where she received two Associate Degrees, in Business Management and Accounting.  She moved to Houston, Texas after graduating Southern University to continue her education and received her MBA from Keller Graduate University.

After several years of living in Houston she met and married the love of her life Reverend Cedric D. Wynn on June 14, 2020.  They began their walk together to display God’s love in the lives of those they meet.  She is the mother of Sierra and Elijah Guy and the Stepmother of Xavier, Cayla and Diamond Wynn.  The adoring “Glammy” of Ar’Moni Wynn. Loving, caring and a powerful woman of GOD, are just a few adjectives that describes this beautiful soul. The hobbies of Latasha Wynn consist of writing, playing the Cello and of course journaling. She is a strong leader, people oriented, and the ability to motivate others.  She has embarked on several entrepreneurial ventures, one of which has landed her published journal entitled “Check Your Watch, It’s My Time” on Amazon.  Latasha Wynn knows who she is, whose she is, and is boldly living the life composed for her by GOD.